Last bid: $24200 (Sold)
Auction: COPART |
LOT Number: 78850783 |
Mileage: 31766 miles |
Document: PA - |
Engine: 2.0L 4 |
Vehicle condition: RUNS AND DRIVES |
Primary damage: FRONT END |
Secondary damage: SIDE |
Seller: No data |
Gearbox: AUTOMATIC |
Drive: All wheel drive |
Keys: yes |
Fuel: GAS |
Last auction date: 27.12.2023 |
LOT Number | Date of auction | Final bid | Status |
78850783 | 27.12.2023 | 24200$ | Sold |
Vehicle auction 2021 AUDI Q5 2.0L 4 WHITE . The vehicle was put up for auction COPART with number lot: 78850783. Auction date is: 27.12.2023.
This lot: 78850783 was sold at the branch PA - PHILADELPHIA EAST-SUBLOT :
Sales history by VIN: WA15AAFY5M2125022
Vehicle condition: RUNS AND DRIVES
Vehicle damage: FRONT END SIDE
Vehicle mileage: 31766 miles
Vehicle document: PA -
Vehicle seller:
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Auction: COPART CANADA (Sold)
Lot number: 53467953
Vehicle condition: ENHANCED VEHICLES
Damage: SIDE
Vehicle mileage: No data
Date of sale: 30.06.2023
VIN number: WA1EAAFY0M2053808
Auction: COPART (Sold)
Lot number: 55664843
Vehicle condition: ENHANCED VEHICLES
Damage: ALL OVER
Vehicle mileage: 53060 miles
Date of sale: 28.06.2023
VIN number: WA1BAAFY0M2024621
Lot number: 55807003
Vehicle condition: ENHANCED VEHICLES
Damage: ALL OVER
Vehicle mileage: 32027 miles
Date of sale: 11.07.2023
VIN number: WA1BAAFY3M2107301