Last bid: $12175 (ON APPROVAL)
Auction: IAAI |
LOT Number: 38004671 |
Mileage: 44747 miles |
Document: Salvage (New Jersey) |
Engine: 2.0L VC-Turbo I4 |
Location: Englishtown (NJ) |
Vehicle condition: |
Primary damage: Left Side |
Secondary damage: |
Seller: New Jersey Manufacturing Group |
Gearbox: Automatic |
Drive: All-Wheel Drive |
Keys: yes |
Fuel: Gasoline |
Last auction date: 22.01.2024 |
LOT Number | Date of auction | Final bid | Status |
38004671 | 22.01.2024 | 12175$ | ON APPROVAL |
Vehicle auction 2020 INFINITI QX50 2.0L VC-Turbo I4 Black . The vehicle was put up for auction IAAI with number lot: 38004671. Auction date is: 22.01.2024.
This lot: 38004671 was sold at the branch Englishtown (NJ) :
Sales history by VIN: 3PCAJ5M3XLF103824
Vehicle condition:
Vehicle damage: Left Side
Vehicle mileage: 44747 miles
Vehicle document: Salvage (New Jersey)
Vehicle seller: New Jersey Manufacturing Group
Visit other auctions and find all the detailed information and technical data of similar brand INFINITI vehicles and their photos. At this link You can find and compare similar brand listings INFINITI .
Auction: COPART (Sold)
Lot number: 53739763
Vehicle condition: RUNS AND DRIVES
Damage: ALL OVER
Vehicle mileage: 12725 miles
Date of sale: 20.06.2023
VIN number: 3PCAJ5M33LF111750
Auction: COPART (Sold)
Lot number: 53544783
Vehicle condition: RUNS AND DRIVES
Damage: REAR END
Vehicle mileage: 8651 miles
Date of sale: 21.06.2023
VIN number: 3PCAJ5M18LF109460
Lot number: 36612072
Vehicle condition: No data
Damage: Right Side
Vehicle mileage: No data
Date of sale: 13.06.2023
VIN number: 3PCAJ5M11LF101247