Last bid: $2775 (ON APPROVAL)
Auction: IAAI |
LOT Number: 37234855 |
Mileage: 1 miles |
Document: No data |
Engine: 3.6L V6 FI DOHC 24V NF4 |
Location: No data |
Vehicle condition: Stationary |
Primary damage: Front End |
Secondary damage: No data |
Seller: Progressive Casualty Insurance |
Gearbox: Automatic Transmission |
Drive: Front Wheel Drive |
Keys: yes |
Fuel: Gasoline |
Last auction date: 07.11.2023 |
LOT Number | Date of auction | Final bid | Status |
37234855 | 14.11.2023 | 2425$ | Not sold |
37234855 | 07.11.2023 | 2775$ | ON APPROVAL |
37234855 | 31.10.2023 | 2725$ | Not sold |
Vehicle auction 2021 CHEVROLET BLAZER 3.6L V6 FI DOHC 24V NF4 Black . The vehicle was put up for auction IAAI with number lot: 37234855. Auction date is: 07.11.2023.
This lot: 37234855 was sold at the branch Flint (MI) :
Sales history by VIN: 3GNKBCRS2MS568796
Vehicle condition: Stationary
Vehicle damage: Front End
Vehicle mileage: 1 miles
Vehicle document:
Vehicle seller: Progressive Casualty Insurance
Visit other auctions and find all the detailed information and technical data of similar brand CHEVROLET vehicles and their photos. At this link You can find and compare similar brand listings CHEVROLET .
Lot number: 36792867
Vehicle condition: Starts
Damage: Left Side
Vehicle mileage: 21977 miles
Date of sale: 27.06.2023
VIN number: 3GNKBHRS8MS550042
Auction: COPART (Sold)
Lot number: 56179583
Vehicle condition: ENGINE START PROGRAM
Vehicle mileage: 40100 miles
Date of sale: 26.06.2023
VIN number: 3GNKBJRS6MS573598
Lot number: 36879591
Vehicle condition: Run & Drive
Damage: Right Side
Vehicle mileage: 62785 miles
Date of sale: 05.07.2023
VIN number: 3GNKBJRS1MS537785