Last bid: $200 (Sold)
Auction: IAAI |
LOT Number: 36913099 |
Mileage: 145075 miles |
Document: CLEAR - DEALER ONLY (California) |
Engine: 2.5L SOHC SMPI 16-VALVE 4-CYL |
Location: Los Angeles South (CA) |
Vehicle condition: Stationary |
Primary damage: Unknown |
Secondary damage: No data |
Seller: No data |
Gearbox: Automatic Transmission |
Drive: All Wheel Drive |
Keys: Present |
Fuel: Gasoline |
Last auction date: 27.07.2023 |
LOT Number | Date of auction | Final bid | Status |
36913099 | 27.07.2023 | 200$ | Sold |
36913099 | 20.07.2023 | 500$ | Not sold |
36913099 | 13.07.2023 | 25$ | ON APPROVAL |
36913099 | 06.07.2023 | 500$ | Not sold |
36913099 | 29.06.2023 | 450$ | Not sold |
Vehicle auction 2008 SUBARU IMPREZA WAGON 2.5L SOHC SMPI 16-VALVE 4-CYL Gray . The vehicle was put up for auction IAAI with number lot: 36913099. Auction date is: 27.07.2023.
This lot: 36913099 was sold at the branch Los Angeles South (CA) :
Sales history by VIN: JF1GH61688H808824
Vehicle condition: Stationary
Vehicle damage: Unknown
Vehicle mileage: 145075 miles
Vehicle document: CLEAR - DEALER ONLY (California)
Vehicle seller:
Visit other auctions and find all the detailed information and technical data of similar brand SUBARU vehicles and their photos. At this link You can find and compare similar brand listings SUBARU .
Lot number: 36913099
Vehicle condition: Stationary
Damage: Unknown
Vehicle mileage: 145075 miles
Date of sale: 13.07.2023
VIN number: JF1GH61688H808824
Lot number: 36844585
Vehicle condition: Stationary
Damage: Unknown
Vehicle mileage: 144047 miles
Date of sale: 11.07.2023
VIN number: JF1GH61638H830858
Lot number: 36763044
Vehicle condition: Stationary
Damage: Left Rear
Vehicle mileage: 279171 miles
Date of sale: 05.07.2023
VIN number: JF1GH61658H819232